Gematria is an ancient Hebrew numeric code that assigns numerical values to each letter of the alphabet. It is believed to have originated in Babylonian and Hebraic cultures. Gematria has been used for centuries for spiritual and philosophical purposes, such as assigning numerological meanings to words and phrases. In addition, it is also used as a tool to help decode scriptures, understand mystical concepts, or even as a form of divination. It can be a powerful tool for unlocking hidden spiritual mysteries.
Understanding how to use a gematria calculator can be daunting because it involves learning the numerical values assigned to each letter of the Hebrew alphabet and calculating their sum in order to derive a numerical value for words or phrases. The good news is that there are a number of online Gematria calculators available that make it easier to understand and use this system. Here's how you can use one:
1) Start by entering the word or phrase you want to calculate using the letters of the Hebrew alphabet. In most cases, gematria calculators will supply these letters automatically as you type in your desired word or phrase; however, if you need more information on the letters of the Hebrew alphabet visit sites such as Sephardic Siddurim or My Jewish Learning.
2) Once your word or phrase has been entered and selected in the calculator, click "Calculate". This will give you the numerical sum of your word or phrase according to gematria calculations.
3) There are also websites which offer extended gematria services, such as numerological analysis of names by summing up their corresponding gematria numerical values and then adding up all individual values into one collective number; a sort of "name numerology" if you will. To access those extended services, simply enter your name into many online gematria calculators such as Gematronomy or Genetic Gems and follow their instructions from there!
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